Sensory Boxes

Sensory Boxes are amazing! Maddie just started exploring them last month (July 2011). We got the idea from structuredplay

Maddie has been very into Dinosaurs the last week or so. Watching Land before time. Going around the house acting like a dinosaur, lol. So i decided since she has an interested in them lately...why not enhance that interested? While I was at a consignment shop selling some old clothes of Maddie's I spotted these little dinosaur toys for $3.25 (18 dinosaurs), and got to thinking I could use those to make a sensory box! So this is what I came up with. I used the dinosaurs, pinto beans to resemble dirt, hubby went outside and gathered a rock a few small sticks and dried up leaves. And the green plants are from our fishes tank. Maddie loved it and played with it for over 2 hours right after I made it! She had fun with it. Simple Fun!

On a hot summer day (july 2011) we were getting a little bored. So we decided to give the sensory box a try. We started out with an all white rice box (used a full bag of rice). To test out. Added a few cups and spoons for her to explore the rice.
She Loved it! She played with it for over an hour! Then we decided "lets Dye the rice and make a theme box!" Maddie picked the color blue. She helped put drops of blue food coloring in the rice and mixed it.She thought was "So Cool"
Once the blue was blue enough, we put it back in the sensory box, and she explored the blue rice! Fun! She kept saying "Blue! Blue! Blue" while playing with it. Then I decided to Kick up her box a little more and add a bunch of blue items from around the house to the box, to explore the color blue more. 
She loved having the blue stuff in there. She played with that all day long. And we still have it out and she plays in it daily.
After that first box, the next day, we decided to add another box to go next to the blue box. Something with a different texture. Pasta! I used 3 different boxes of pastas that we had in the kitchen. She loves it! We alternate the two boxes.

Once Preschool starts in September our Sensory boxes will relate to our weekly themes. So be prepared to see a lot more boxes :)

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